San Elizario Police Department

San Elizario Police Officers put their lives on the line every day.   Our Officers are truly, “Real Life Heroes.” That’s all of them, all across Texas; both male and female police officers are real life heroes.  Because of this and because of what they do on a daily basis, Honor Texas Police will work on behalf of San Elizario Law Enforcement.    

Honor Texas Police will:   

  • Honor Police Officers
  • Tell Police Officer’s Stories
  • Extol Police Officers
  • Encourage Police Officers

Honor Texas Police will help San Elizario Police Officers tell their stories and inspire The Great State of Texas as they work tirelessly to Texas Police Officerkeep us safe.  The Lone Star State needs these officers.  We’re going to make sure Texans know why.     

Additionally, we provide direct assistance to help San Elizario Police Officers raise money for causes near and dear to them.

Former President George W. Bush recited the general wisdom in his comments regarding the Dallas Police Shootings. 

The President said:

“Argument turns too easily into animosity.  Disagreement escalates into dehumanization. Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”

General wisdom is generally wrong.   

When you speak to police officers, you quickly learn that it doesn’t have to be as the President described.  Not only does it not have to be that way, it isn’t that way.  Officers don’t judge groups by their worst examples.  Texas Police Officers are drawn from everywhere.  They’re drawn from every race, religion and social strata.  Texas police officers are selected based upon their competence, and nothing else.  Texas Police Officers are Texans, just like you and me.  The former President is mistaken.  Every officer that I’ve spoken with says it isn’t that way. 

Ascribing a “Moral Equivalency” to those that are killing our finest is insulting. 

It’s important that the public sees all Texas Police Officers as they are.  They are dedicated Public Servants, not miscreants awaiting disciplinary action.   

When a San Elizario Officer says they’re here to:

“Protect and Serve”

They mean it.  Not just for some residents, but for all residents.    

The consideration and support San Elizario Police Officers provide for the city they live in is evident from their actions.  Aside from their Texas Police Officerofficial responsibilities with the police department, many officers volunteer in the communities they serve as:

  • Youth Coaches
  • Youth Mentors
  • Drug Prevention Officers
  • College Instructors

These are the stories that deserve to be told over and over again.  That is what Honor Texas Police does. 

Let us tell your story.  We’ll say what needs to be said about San Elizario Police Officers, their families and the city they serve.  We’ll help you raise money to assist the families of fallen officers, officers in need, the Texas Fraternal Order of Police and other deserving recipients.  We’re here for you.

Let Us Show You What We Will Do
For the San Elizario Police Department

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